Category Archives: Knowledge or Information

Some thoughts about Banksy

***(link to Banksy’s instagram…for reference only)

Banksy, *his/her/their work in Sotheby’s so much shocking the world, everybody is talking about that, every media, social network….appearing in everywhere, that reminds me one of the many invaluable concepts learnt in London….”to put yourself into a debate…” that’s from my course director, Maiko, who was giving tutorial to my project…

at that moment when I was listening to Maiko…I tried to digest what she said…but Banksy’s shredder performs it successfully….no matter *he/she/they really want to destroy the work…or that is just a trick that upvaluing the work…the performance is succeed…and…on Banksy’s  instagram, quoting the Picasso’s “The urge to destroy is also a creative urge”….OMG….I mean here….OMG is not only on how smart he/she/they are….but also …that “creating a dialogue with famous/ fine artist”…which was also told by Maiko…in my very first tutorial when I showing her research of Andy Warhol’s prints ( endangered species)

these two quotes or moments in the tutorial inspired me much on “what is art? what is design?”, which is a question I keep thinking before going to UK study.

and I remember once I read Banksy’s book in London, with his quote… ‘The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it”…once again….not only his spray art doing that well…this shredder just destroying the work in a few seconds…but people keep watching the work, the video clip, the comments…keep looping…

Image result for The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it

I just really thank how he reminded me … no matter on my visual art study or life in London…

and I watched the youtube link* about him…although it finally introduced another artist MBW, those stuff recalling my mind again…not to quit not to quit…even my life in HK now is so damn messy so hard on freelance…so much challenges in teaching life…keep searching Banksy’s work recently…and I saw:

“If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit.”


“Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.”

Image result for If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit         Image result for Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.

***(images just download from the internet, not sure if those are works of Banksy, just for myself reference.)

Banksy is not yet my favourite artist but I feel thankful to how he/she/they delivered those messages, they encourage me 🙂

* for using he/she/they>>>yeah I still wondering if Banksy is someone or a secret group from UK government, who sending out positive messages…at the same time encouraging new artists, new artworks, new art markets, etc.)

just keeping ref, video of MBW, with Banksy documentary:


Filed under Cheer up! Artist!, keep making to get inspiration, Knowledge or Information, what is art? what is design?

another great articles about animals

Just read another article from marieclaire. the way how it write is clear and illustrate how the situation is. e.g….imagine you got an diamond on your face and walking on a street in London…that’s what a rhino in the forest….the article also point out the cost of black markets….although my MA project finally not relating to it, but through the research, I know black market is also a serious problem to be aware.


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Filed under animals article, Endangered Animals Info and facts, Knowledge or Information

Next Step for Unit 2

Here’s are the next step of Unit 2

1) adding colour into lip balm and testing for hardness with poportion of ingredients

2) beginning the test mof making soap

3) ordering ingrediants for the test of 1 and 2

4) 3D drawing of my own style animal – from unit 1, prepare for 3d printing and casting

and for No.4, I will try to focus on the 4 animals that related to palm oil issue, rhino, elephant, tiger and orangutan

endangered animal

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Filed under Endangered Animals Info and facts, Knowledge or Information, MADM Unit 2 Assessment, Working Process in Uni

Palm Oil Issue

Found an article written by Hillary Rosner, she wrote about palm oil over the years including New York Times and Newsweek. Here’s some point I want to copy as reference.


– palm oil is one of the planet’s most destructive ingredients. It is largely responsible for the massive deforestation of Borneo

– Indonesia and Malaysia together produce 85 percent of the global palm oil supply

– palm oil is often absent from the label, leaving consumers in the dark about what they’re actually buying and its impact.

– The race to plant more oil palm trees is driving orangutans to the brink of extinction. If orangutans die out, it will be almost single-handedly due to global demand for palm oil

– The latest battleground is central Africa, where old-growth forests in Gabon and Cameroon are on the chopping block.

company or product:

– Wilmar, a major palm oil supplier, buys from companies that are illegally clearing endangered tiger habitat — and then sells that oil to major U.S. brands.

– soy milk that doesn’t contain palm oil — in the form of vitamin A palmitate — has turned up exactly one brand, Edensoy

– The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an industry group that certifies certain oil as “green,”

– Nestlé, Unilever and Wal-Mart have all pledged to transition to only sustainably sourced palm oil.

– Perhaps a group like WildAid, which tries to curb consumer demand for gruesome wildlife products like rhino horns, could partner with a few large conservation organizations and celebrities like DiCaprio to go into battle

Those are important facts all we should know, and some company I would try to connect so that to see any ideas inspiration or even collaboration.


new found organization site:


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Filed under Knowledge or Information, MADM Unit 2 Assessment

Inspiration of palm oil issue

After I searched for the palm oil product harmful to the living habitat of endangered animals, I begin thinking of sculpture made by recycling palm oil product….e.g. lipstick, there is an sculpture made by used lipstick, to raise awareness of consuming products (1 lipstick sold in every 4 seconds)

I appreciate the recycling of the used lipstick but the sculpture itself is not really impressive…..maybe that’s the linkage with business….for me, I don’t like the wooden base, its like a fixture (not eco-friendly, and the sculpture form is not creative) 😛 this maybe what I learnt or inspired by the MA course here.


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Filed under Knowledge or Information, MADM Unit 2 Assessment

Palm oil affecting the living habitat

palm oil, which is found in many daily products, is linking to deforestation of many endangered animals’ living habitat.

here’s the info provided by WWF



other info provided by Rainforest Foundation, they even got the “best buy” or “don’t” buy product list!!!


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Filed under Endangered Animals Info and facts, Knowledge or Information, MADM Unit 2 Assessment

Jonathan lecture about action research

Action research.:4 main stream

Cyclical; keep thinking. a foundation way of finding a way; but no specific direction

Collaborative; with people. with materials

Qualitaive. not quantitative!

Not numbers.emphasis words. not numbers couod be argued. not what u done. is who u were and when u doing that?!

try to encapsulate change. when. why. how…….and that slowd or speed up?


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Filed under Cheer up! Artist!, Knowledge or Information