Tag Archives: greenpeace

Collaboration with Greenpeace HK

Recently I got a collaboration with Greenpeace, they are having a campaign against micro-beads product and overuse of plastic bag. The micro-beads product and plastic bag collected will be transformed into artpiece shown on the date of the event.

最近與綠色和平合作, 他們在籌辦有關反對微塑膠產品及濫用膠袋的活動。  收集微塑膠產品及膠袋, 並轉化為藝術品, 在活動當日給大眾宜揚訊息。

The main problem of the micro-beads is that they are actually plastic, and too small to be filtered so that will be directly flushed into the ocean. Animals like fish and turtle could not define them and easily intake into the body. When the micro-beads enter their digestive system, they will block the system or, it will be digested into toxic substance. The effect is not only about animals but also the food chain and a becoming global issue.

微塑膠的主要問題,是它們細小得不能過濾, 直接排出大海後, 海洋生物如魚類海龜不能分辯而錯誤進食,微塑膠會阻塞牠們的消化系統, 或被消化後是有毒物質 。影響的不單是動物的生命, 而是整個食物鏈, 也成為了全球要面對的問題。

So what products contain the micro-beads? They usually written in the ingredients part, you might find it in toothpaste or facial scrub products. They are:Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polymethyl Methacrylate and Nylon- “with numbers”. Either one of them inside the product, is containing micro-beads.

有什麼產品含有微塑膠呢?通常是牙膏或磨砂潔面產品,可在成份一欄查到, 分別為:Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polymethyl Methacrylate and Nylon- “後加數字“; 產品有任何一種,已是含有微塑膠。

we would like people to stop using the micro-beads item immediately, if you like to help saving the ocean and animal, please stop purchasing and pass the rest of them to me, to contribute the campaign 🙂

我們希望大家立即停用微塑膠產品, 若大家立即停用,歡迎將產品交給我以示支持活動。:)

More about micro-beads pollution 更多微塑膠污染資訊:

  1. article and video clip by WPTV November 2015
  2. video clip by DNEWS September 2015
  3. video clip by Social Connected April 2015
  4. video clip by Samuel Boyce January 2016

photo showing the ingredients of micro-beads 這些便是微塑膠:


email contact: vinex.art@gmail.com

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Filed under Cheer up! Artist!, collaboration, competition and event, keep making to get inspiration